The application of the Official Information Act 1982 to the authorities depends on the nature of the authority and its relationship with a department or organisation that is subject to the Act.
The Abortion Supervisory Committee has the responsibility of keeping under review all the provisions of the abortion law in New Zealand and the operation and effect of those provisions in practice. This includes licensing institutions to perform abortions and the appointment of certifying consultants to consider cases. The Abortion Supervisory Committee is subject to the Official Information Act because it is listed in Schedule 1 of the Act.
Statistics relating to abortion can be found on the Statistics New Zealand website(external link).
The Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority was established under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. It replaced the Liquor Licensing Authority.
The Authority's main functions are to consider and determine:
The Authority is treated as a commission of inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908. This means it can summon witnesses, require documentation, and award costs (to a limited extent).
The Commissioner carries out functions, including making written orders to effect the division of the Birdlings Flat land (Banks Peninsula, Canterbury) into separate titles.
Decisions are made available on the Ministry's website
See Birdlands Flat Land Title Commisioner on this site.
The Criminal Justice Assistance Reimbursement Scheme was introduced in 1993 to provide compensation for those who have been victimised and suffer loss of property or earnings as a direct result of being called to give evidence in relation to a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment. People in close relationship to such witnesses are also able to claim against the scheme. There is also discretion available to cover exceptional cases. Claims may be made for an event that took place on or after 1 July 1993.
Information about the scheme is available on the Ministry's website
See Criminal Justice Assistance Reimbursement Scheme on this site.
The Customs Appeal Authority sits as a judicial authority for hearing and deciding such appeals as are authorised by the Customs and Excise Act 1996 or any other Act against assessments, decisions, rulings, determinations and directions of the Comptroller of Customs.
Decisions are made available on the Ministry's website.
See Customs Appeals Authority Tribunal on this site.
The International Education Appeal Authority is an independent body that deals with complaints from international students about the care, advice or services they receive from their education provider or the provider's agent.
The Authority has been established to investigate complaints and determine if there has been a breach of the Code of Pastoral Care. All hearings are conducted in private, on the papers and cannot be reported on.
The role of the Legal Complaints Review Officer (LCRO) is to promote public confidence in lawyers and conveyancers. The LCRO provides independent oversight of and reviews decisions made by the standards committees of the New Zealand Law Society and the New Zealand Society of Conveyancers.
All proceedings before the LCRO are conducted in private and any decisions published are done so with the names of parties removed to maintain anonymity, unless an order for publication is made.
Decisions made by the LCRO can be found on the Ministry's website.
The Licensing Authority of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers grants licences and certificates to secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers. It also hears Police objections to the granting of such licences and certificates and Police complaints against licensed secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers and certificate holders.
The Authority maintains public registers of all licence and certificate holders on the Ministry's website.
The Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority was established on 1 April 2011 as a result of the enactment of the Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators Act 2010. The Authority grants licences and certificates to people working in the private security and investigations industry.
The Authority also hears objections to the granting of licences and certificates and complaints made against holders of licences and certificates.
Where decisions are published they will be made available on the Ministry's website ( Please note that the URL is case sensitive.
If you wish to enquire about a specific decision you can email
The Review Authority is responsible for reviewing decisions made by the Secretary of Justice about legal aid provider approvals.
Decisions that can be reviewed include:
The Review Authority was established under the Legal Services Act 2011 and came into force on 1 July 2011.
The Review Authority determines which decisions are to be published.
Decisions are published on the Ministry's website ( review-authority/decisions).
The Social Security Appeal Authority, provided for by the Social Security Act 1964, hears and determines appeals against any decision of the Ministry of Social Development's Benefit Review Committee where a beneficiary disputes the findings made.
Decisions are published by NZLII.
See Social Security Appeal Authority on this site.
The Student Allowance Appeal Authority, provided for by the Education Act 1989 and the Student Allowances Regulations 1998, hears and determines appeals against decisions of the Director-General of Education relating to student allowances and grants.
Decisions are published by NZLII.
See Student Allowance Appeal Authority on this site.
The Taxation Review Authority, provided for by the Taxation Review Authorities Act 1994, sits as a judicial authority to hear and determine objections to assessments of tax or duty, or decisions of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue.
Decisions are published by NZLII.
See Taxation Review Authority on this site.
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