Where an application has been approved for media to record or film a trial, you must provide all your own recording equipment.
Court audio and visual equipment is specifically set up to conduct the business of the court and cannot be used by media.
Only one camera may be situated in the courtroom, regardless of how many people are given authority to film. Photographers must be situated in a position approved by the Judge.
The same approvals are necessary for sketching a courtroom scene as for photographing in court, and you should use the application form included as Schedule 1 of the In-Court Media Coverage Guidelines 2016 in 10.3 Appendix C.
Where an in-court media application has been granted, any such recording is limited to the courtroom and does not authorise filming in any other public areas of the court building. All conditions for recording set by the judge must be adhered to at all times and in all locations.
If the media wishes to film or photograph outside the courtroom (but within the court building) please contact the registrar.
Media may still exercise their common law rights to take photos in a public place, such as in the street.
If media wish to film or photograph on court land, please seek permission from the court manager. This means any outside area that is adjacent to and belongs to, or services the building in which courtrooms are located.
If you are filming or taking photographs outside the courthouse you should be aware of any people included in your footage. If you film someone entering or leaving the courthouse you will need to check that there is no suppression order or automatic suppression in place, prior to the broadcast or publication of those images.
If there is a suppression order or automatic suppression, you should ensure that any images that are broadcast or published are treated in a manner that does not contravene the terms of the suppression order.
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