Where to get help for family violence or sexual violence

In an emergency, if someone needs urgent help, call the Police on 111. Not safe to talk? Stay on the line. Without talking, follow the instructions from call-takers and menus. Press buttons when asked.


Wellbeing helplines and support

The following is a list of family violence and sexual violence helplines, websites and online help available 24/7 in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Please include this list in media articles and releases, and on your websites so that people know where they can get help for themselves or someone else.

Help and support is available 24 hours a day

  • In an emergency, if someone needs urgent help, call the Police on 111. Not safe to talk? Stay on the line. Without talking, follow the instructions from call-takers and menus. Press buttons when asked.
  • Are You OK? — free and confidential 24/7 support and information for anyone experiencing family violence or if you are worried about someone else. Call 0800 456 450 or live chat with a trained counsellor on the website: areyouok.org.nz(external link)
  • Safe to Talk — free and confidential helpline for support and information about sexual violence. Call 0800 044 334, text 4334, email support@safetotalk.nz, or chat to counsellors online at safetotalk.nz(external link)
  • Women’s Refuge — 24-hour advocacy and accommodation for women and their children experiencing family violence. Call 0800 733 843 (0800 REFUGE) or get support through live chat on the website: womensrefuge.org.nz(external link)
  • Change is Possible — anonymous 24/7 help for men using violence or concerned about their behaviour. Free call 0800 456 450 or live chat with a counsellor on the website: changeispossible.org.nz(external link)
  • Need to Talk? — for people feeling stressed, down, or overwhelmed, free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor 1737.org.nz(external link)
  • Shakti — free 24/7 multi-lingual crisis-line for migrant and refugee women 0800SHAKTI (0800 742 584) or email crisisline@shakti.org.nz
  • Elder Abuse Response Service — 24/7 free confidential helpline for older people who are frightened, at risk, or concerned about how they are being treated, text 5032, email support@elderabuse.nz or phone 0800 32 668 65

Complied by Te Puna Aonui - for more information about family violence and sexual violence and government’s responses, please see www.tepunaaonui.govt.nz(external link) or contact: media@tepunaaonui.govt.nz

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