On this page you'll find further activities that focus on the justice system.
Do you know what happens to:
Ask students to design a flow diagram to show the steps in a criminal and/or civil matter.
This activity could be used after working through the criminal and civil justice journeys on this website:
Give students some or all of the following words to link together in a structured overview that shows the relationships between them:
Students could use online resources from this section of the website to complete this, or they could do it 'cold' and then rework it after using the online resources.
Discuss the three different branches of government (Parliament, the Executive, and the Judiciary) and their roles. Students can then create a flow diagram to show this. Perhaps they could add a simple visual to help them remember the main areas.
See the structure of courts poster [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Ask your students in pairs or groups to research the roles of the different courts and report back to the class. Alternatively, do this as an 'expert jigsaw'. Each group finds out information about a different court. They become 'experts' on this court and then groups meet to teach one another about their court.
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