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  1. Accident Compensation Corporation v Smith [2015] NZACA 05 [pdf, 161 KB] submitted to the High Court, by reason of its general or public importance or for any other reason. Questions of fact could meet this criterion. [21] In exercising its discretion, the Authority is mindful of the proper use of the scarce resources of the High Court. Leave is not given as a matter of course; O’Neill at [25]. [22] Such an applicant seeks an indulgence, so the onus rests on him or her to satisfy the Authority that, in all the circumstances, the interests of j...

  2. Family Violence and Sexual Violence Work Programme: eUpdate April 2019 [pdf, 535 KB]

    ...the helm, she’s careful to first acknowledge the contributions of others from grassroots through to the highest levels of government – “I have so much respect for the work done within this sector. At a community level, with very little resource, they’ve given the most vulnerable a voice and, importantly, government have listened. At each end of the system, we have good people working very hard.” Joining the Multi-Agency Team in December 2017, Sarah led the establishmen...

  3. Proactive release - Improving the justice response to victims of sexual violence [pdf, 7.7 MB]

    ...disclosure of further evidence to the defence (after the pre- recorded cross-examination), or a change in legal strategy, which may require complainants to give further evidence at the trial if new issues arose; and 30 3 without additional judicial resource, pre-recording of cross-examination may slow down resolution of sexual violence (and other) trials because of the additional hearing time required. w55f2if1v 2019-06-06 11:40:54 RE LE AS ED B Y TH E PA RL IA M EN TA RY U...

  4. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Application - Appendix B4 [pdf, 48 KB]

    ...Interval @ 95% : [1.245 - 1.781] Standard Deviation : 0.854 Standard Error : 0.137 Survey Overview 8 of 15 24/02/12 4:47 PM This proposal needs community approval, a final business case, resource consent and funding to go to development. We envisage requiring capital at the earliest in late 2012. If a large majority of residents were able to support this project at $6000 per household, the business would be less likely to nee...

  5. Pilon v Iyengar and C&CDHB [2012] NZHRRT 9 [pdf, 56 KB]

    ...matter to the Director of Proceedings designated under the Act, on the basis that by then the first defendant was no longer practising obstetrics, and in any event that a contributory factor in what happened reflected shortcomings in the Board’s resources, for which the first defendant was not responsible. [8] On 13 November 2007 the then Director of Proceedings confirmed that she would not be taking the matter up in the Tribunal. [footnote citations omitted] The jurisdiction iss...

  6. [2009] NZEmpC AC 22/09 EBIIWU & Ors v Carter Holt Harvey Ltd [pdf, 42 KB]’s negotiation team had created electronically and updated progressively a form of collective agreement that recorded the state of the bargaining. After each negotiating session, this was updated electronically by the company’s human resources manager, using the Microsoft “tracked changes” tool and sent by email to the negotiators including those for the union. This enabled the parties to the negotiations to see and verify changes made in the collective agreement cr...

  7. FU v UN LCRO 244 / 2010 (6 October 2011) [pdf, 89 KB], an article appeared in the paper which contained an announcement that the ACC was to be manufactured by ACB, a substantial Auckland company. UN was quoted as explaining that “[ACB] have the facilities, boat building skills and marketing resources to undertake this project successfully and take it to a new level.” [8] Given the timing of this article, it was clear that arrangements had been made with ACB during the period when the agreement was being negotiated. FV formed...

  8. Te Tumu Paeroa - Te Aroha Blk 3 Sec 1B and Sections 2 and 3 Block III Aroha SD (2016) 119 Waikato Maniapoto MB 95 (119 WMN 95) [pdf, 197 KB]

    ...beneficial owners agreed to commence major land improvements. To complete the next stage of the development the Māori Trustee considered that the blocks should be aggregated to allow the completion of the development, which requires the combined resources of both blocks. [9] The proposed development is to include the following: a) Construction of a new herringbone cowshed located in a more central position on the farm. This involves additional tracking, power reticulation and...

  9. LCRO 69/2020 CX v DW (21 July 2021) [pdf, 185 KB]

    ...Mr FU objected to this decision in a comprehensive email to the Court.24 There is no direct indication that Mr DW was involved in compiling this response, but it is likely that his input was required. [44] It was a logical use of the firm’s resources to have Mr FU attend to the research and preparation of the response to the Court. This is a task which a law clerk (a law graduate) is well suited to attending to. This left Mr DW free to attend to matters that required his prese...

  10. BIM-Sector-Directorate_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 361 KB]

    ...specific issues relating to remand. This work is being co-ordinated under the Remand Action Plan. 30. These programmes of work have now reached sufficient maturity to allow the sector to better consolidate or sequence the work and allow smarter use of resourcing across the work programmes. The Sector Directorate and the High Impact Innovation Programme Team are supporting the alignment of these programmes of work. 31. As Minister of Corrections, Hon Kelvin Davis is the ministerial spon...