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3754 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 1 Kāhui Maunga Report [pdf, 7.2 MB]

    t e K ā h u i M a u n g a Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from t e K ā h u i M a u n g a The National Park District Inquiry Report Volume 1 Waitangi Tribunal Report 2013 Wai 1130 Downloaded from Downloaded from National Library of New Zealand Catalo

  2. Cabinet paper - Summary of policies Cabinet minutes - Exposure draft Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill [pdf, 6 MB] made until the result of the referendum is known. If Cabinet decides to take action following the result of the referendum, a Regulatory Impact Assessment and a Cost Recovery Impact Statement must be prepared to support the Cabinet decision. Human Rights 50. Crown Law has provided preliminary observations on the consistency of the Bill with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (NZBORA). 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. If the Bill is to be introduced, the Attorney-General (advised by...

  3. 2021-07-05 Transcript (up until1.30pm of day 39).pdf [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...when it comes to the historical information that has been put into the database, so there is a risk that you are relying on incomplete or inaccurate information and then there’s me also as well trying to translate it into a schedule, the risk of human error. And when you 30 compare that to the actual deemed permits which – or the mining privileges that often have those priorities listed on them, in the document itself, you probably have better assurances in terms of accuracy an...

  4. Waitangi Tribunal - Part III Te Urewera [pdf, 6.7 MB]

    T E U R E W E R A P A R T I I I Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from Downloaded from W A I T A N G I T R I B U N A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 2 W A I 8 9 4 T E U R E W E R A P r e - p u b l i c a t i o n P a r t I I I From self-governing native res

  5. Waitangi Tribunal - Part 1 Rangahaua Whānui District Auckland [pdf, 6.3 MB]

    . I I r- • I ; 1 i i I , : I : i i I i , I , i : I i . : I ! j I I i i : J RANGAHAUA WHANUI DISTRICT 1 AUCKLAND ROSE DAAMEN, PAUL HAMER, AND BARRY RIGBY JUL Y 1996 WORKING PAPER: FIRST RELEASE WAITANGI TRIBUNAL RANGAHAUA WHANUI SERIES ~-, i ' i r 1 i 1 I i i , i I I FOREWORD The research report that follows is one of a series of historical surveys commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal as part of its Rangahaua Whanui p

  6. Conviction & sentencing of offenders in New Zealand 1996 to 2005 [pdf, 844 KB]

    ...• offences created under new legislation, for example criminal harassment under the Harassment Act 1997 (from 1 January 1998). The particularly high number of convictions in 2001 was partly due to 82 convictions for misconduct in respect of human remains (i.e. interfering with graves or human remains). There are usually very few convictions for such offences—with just one conviction in 2005. Prosecutions and convictions for all offences ________________________________________...

  7. OIA-110144.pdf [pdf, 5.5 MB]

    ...regarding openness. We suggestthe following, but would be happyto discuss these with you or Officials: a. A foundational step is for the Ministry of Justice to build into its guidance and procedures (and acknowledge onits website) that international human rights jurisprudence nowclearly recognises that laws such as the OIA give effect to Article 19 of the International Covenanton Civil and Political Liberties, and that as 15 such, any clausesrestricting the publication or d...

  8. [2018] NZEmpC 8 Nisha v LSG Sky Chefs NZ Ltd [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...some pay rises and adjustments in the annual leave balances but said she was not privy to the decisions made around those adjustments. She said that the decisions were taken by Mr Terry Hay, one of the owners of Pacific and although she was the Human Resources Manager and Acting General Manager, she was not consulted. Ms Gorgner acknowledged that there would be additional costs for LSG but could not see it as having a big impact because LSG was so much larger than Pacific. [94...

  9. NZCVS 2023 Methodology Report (Cycle 6) [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...Manager. Ethnicity information is also collected. Once all occupants have been added, the Sample Manager automatically selects the person to be approached for the interview based on sampling rules for the survey, thus reducing the possibility of human error resulting in an incorrect occupant being selected. Occupancy information for every household is sent back to Reach Aotearoa where it can be used in further auditing processes/analysis to ensure survey protocols have been followed....

  10. ENV-2016-AKL-000xxx Man O'War Farm Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...factors that informed Change 8. Specifically, MOWF opposes: • Reference to the visual coherence, unity or integrity of the site or landform (criterion (a)) • The extent to which the site can be perceived of as natural, such as low intrusion of human influence, presence of buildings and structures, or landform modification (criterion (c)) • The "public profile of the site or landform" (first part of criterion (d)) 280214 submissions 14 • The presence of wate...