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391 items matching your search terms

  1. 2025 NZSSAA 01 [PDF, 338 KB]

    Funeral Grant - appeal against the Ministry of Social Development's decision not to include the cost of kai (food) in a funeral grant.  Whether the cost of kai can be recognised as a “reasonable funeral expense” within the context of a funeral grant. The costs associated with kai in this appeal were an integral part of the tangihanga process and a reasonable funeral expense.  Accordingly, the Ministry’s decision to exclude the cost of kai from the funeral grant was incorrect.  Outcome: appeal allowed.

  2. [2024] NZSSAA 12 (5 September 2024) [PDF, 405 KB]

    Overpayment – appeal against Ministry of Social Development’s treatment of ACC arrears for benefit purposes. Whether Ministry correct to retrospectively allocate ACC arrears so as to create an overpayment in relation to temporary additional support, accommodation supplement and other supplementary support outside the direct offsetting of ACC arrears and the appellants’ main benefit. Ministry’s approach inconsistent with statutory deeming provision in s 252 Accident Compensation Act 2001, which does not involve establishing an overpayment. Outcome: appeal allowed.

  3. [2024] NZSSAA 05 (23 April 2024) [PDF, 187 KB]

    Superannuation – appeal against a decision by the Benefits Review Committee. Appeal against decision to deduct appellant’s Russian pension from their New Zealand Superannuation entitlement. The meaning of “entitled to receive” in s 188 of the Social Security Act 2018 requires an entitlement to receive and excludes circumstances where the recipient cannot receive their entitlement due to reasons outside their control. Outcome: appeal allowed.

  4. [2024] NZSSAA 02 (31 January 2024) [PDF, 245 KB]

    Superannuation – appeal against a decision by the Benefits Review Committee. Appeal against decision to deduct appellant’s Russian pension from their New Zealand Superannuation entitlement. The meaning of “entitled to receive” in section 188 of the Social Security Act 2018 excludes circumstances where a person is unable to receive their entitlement due to reasons well beyond their control as was the case with the appellant. Outcome: appeal allowed.

  5. [2024] NZSSAA 01 (30 January 2024) [PDF, 268 KB]

    Superannuation – appeal against a decision by the Benefits Review Committee. Appeal against decision to deduct appellant’s Russian pension from their New Zealand Superannuation entitlement. The meaning of “entitled to receive” in section 188 of the Social Security Act 2018 excludes circumstances where a person is unable to receive their entitlement due to reasons well beyond their control as was the case with the appellant. Outcome: appeal allowed.

  6. [2023] NZSSAA 2 (1 March 2023) [PDF, 171 KB]

    Holiday Pay – appeal against a decision by the Benefits Review Committee regarding appellant’s stand down period. Whether the Ministry’s approach was correct in law. The decision is legally correct. The provisions relating to “holiday pay” are clear and apply to this case. Deciding where the thresholds are set for stand down periods is a matter that must lie with the persons responsible for formulating the legislation. Outcome: appeal dismissed.